List Of All Gundam Models


While Mobile Suit Gundam outlines what the top brass and aces are doing. People of all ages build Gunpla—plastic Gundam models—and use high-tech arenas to make them battle for fun. Can someone tell me the differences between all the 'Grades' of Gundam kits? From what I've gathered: 1/144 is High Grade 1/100 is Master Grade 1/60 is Perfect Grade I've also seen some 1/550 scale Gundams. But what is Real Grade? Are there any other scales of Gundam kits? Is that Sailor Moon Gundam legit? SD Gundam Cross Silhouette Cross Silhouette Frame [Gray] (SD) (Gundam Model Kits).

  1. List Of All Gundam Mobile Suits
  2. List Of All Mg Gundam Models
  3. A List Of All Gundam Anime Series

First off this Wing Zero is quite shorter than other RG kits. The articulation is very good and solid. You can do dynamic poses with this guy. I highly recommend you get this dude! Although there really isn't RG gimmicks it still looks and feels badass.

This RG kit comes with two beam sabers (with beams) and it comes with the twin buster rifles (you can combine them together) Honestly this is my favorite RG kit. BTW I don't know if it's just my kit but when I put the RG hands it stretched the hole peg so it made the other hands loose when inserted:(. I got this model kit in the mail earlier from its estimated time. It came with some slips of advertising more gunpla models ex: it showed that there's going to be a real grade version of exia repair 1 (idk if it's already out). Like as if I've gotten it actually at Japan (If I was there). It also came with an origami bookmark from the Seller thanking me for buying their merchandise.

Anyway this is going to be fun to build.:3 P.S. I was surprised that I still received my model kit after derping with my address by accidentally adding a 6th number in my 5 digit home address and still getting it earlier that it was estimated. Anyway this model kit is very good compared to the master grade (which falls down) P.S. I've finished building it, and it was a great build. I've posted some images of exia. Best PG kit yet. Although the build isn't difficult, it is time consuming.

I would recommend you get the LED kit and install together, although it is an expensive option part, it will save you time. Wiring LED takes patience but is no where near painful than a PG Wing Zero. I would recommend this kit to anyone. TIP: Turn the power switch on while holding down the ROUND BUTTON, and it will cycle through the sequence automatically. I don't know if this was stated anywhere in the instruction but I hope this helps people who wants to keep it on all the time, maybe you can use it as a Christmas tree:).

List Of All Gundam Mobile Suits

I picked this gundam because I thought it was awesome in the anime and will look so in real life. Here's a quick break down. Pros: - looks really cool - despite a lack of weapons/accessories I think the ones it has are cool - possible to make cool katana poses. (if you are a seasoned builder) Cons: - poor stability - loose joints Posing - shoulder armor limits arm movement - small pieces tend to pop out - overall instability/looseness makes it really hard to pose Shelf Presence - 4 arms, 2 long katanas, and a big oni mask shield can really make this gundam stand out Overall I think this is a great kit despite all the negatives listed. It loses one star because of the instability/looseness but that may be due to my inexperience in building.


That said I recommend this kit for experienced builders. This Heavyarms model was fun to put together, but a little to easy compared to more modern Gundam kits. The building process will only take about an hour or two. The main body colors are fine and the set comes with stickers for the detail colors, though I would strongly advise using paint for the details instead though. The stickers look passable, but painting the green lines and face are quick and easy remedies to make the model look much better. The finished product is pretty sturdy. His chest and shoulders flip open to reveal missiles and machine guns, whiles his legs and hips have pieces that can be replaced with additional missile openings.

This model also comes with two large machine guns (displayed on box) which are light enough to keep the Heavyarms from being top heavy. He poses fine without any worry of breaking, but when trying to. For an old kit from the 90's, Wing Zero Custom has a few issues I'd like to point out. 1: The wings have a tendency to fall down or not even stay up unless you angle the kit itself 2: Hands are very weak, so the weapons can (more specifically the twin Buster rifles) droop and pull the ball jointed hands out. But for as old as it is, it's still a nice addition to anyone's collection. I would recommend checking out the new Real Grade (RG) or Master Grade (MG) for better articulation and less joint issues.

The Destiny Gundam is the main suit of Gundam Seed Destiny and Shin Asuka is its main pilot. It has been designed as a high-performance general purpose mobile suit that is capable of handling various combat situations without needing to exchange equipment during a fight. For fights in close proximity, the suit has been equipped with two beam boomerangs which double up as beam sabers, a large beam sword of which the pilot, Shinn Asuka prefers as his weapon of choice, and a pair of beam cannons. For long range combat, the suit comes with a beam rifle that is hand-held and long-range beam cannons. For defense, the suit utilizes a small physical shield as well as two beam shield generators. Finally, the suit has been equipped with a standard set of CIWS mounted on its head.

RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam. The RX-93-v2 Hi-v Gundam is another interpretation of the RX-93 V Gundam which is seen in Gundam Mobile Suit Beltorchika’s children Amuro Ray is its pilot. It has distinct back boosters and a revised fun funnel system. Its arms include the addition of a powerful machine gun on its right forearm with the inclusion of an extra beam saber making the number of beam sabers up to three.

The suit is also capable of using a hyper mega bazooka launcher when a more heavy firepower is needed. Amuro Ray was able to control the suit more easily thanks to the Psycoframe System, which is a great improvement over the Psycommu system and is prevalent among mobile suits that have been designed to be operated by Newtype pilots. RX-0 Unicorn Gundam. The RX-0 Unicorn Gundam is the main suit of the Gundam unicorn mobile Suit that is piloted by Banagher links. The suit was made as a final part of the E.F.S.F.’s re-organization plan. Its main goal during its development was to destroy any traces of Zeonism in the Earth Sphere and thus, it also incorporates an anti-new type system with its Gundam design.

When the NT-D system is activated the suit goes into destroy mode. To mark this transformation, the suit’s frame expands and the armor seams separate and lock down into several hard points while the newly exposed psycho-frame emits a pinkish glow.

Double X Gundam The Double X Gundam is a suit that was created by the newly formed New United Nations Earth and Garrod Ran pilots it. This new Gundam contains the brainwave patterns of Jamil Neate during the 7th space war making it able to utilize satellite canons without a Newtype as its pilot.

It has been equipped with two satellite cannons as part of its frame making it able to unleash a very powerful destructive force. The power of the two satellite cannons was revealed when Garrod Ran used them to destroy the island of Zonder Epta with one shot from the cannons. Its destructive power was also shown again when it was used to destroy the colony laser that was developed by the Space Revolutionary Army. Age-3 Gundam. The Age-3 Gundam is among the four Titular mobile suits and the successor to the Gundam Age-2 normal.

Kio Asuno pilots this suit. The suit was developed secretly by Flit who used the Age device left by Asemu before he went missing 13 years ago, in preparation for the last battle against the Vagan.

The Age-3 Consists of two main components: The G-Cepter which is a separate unit that is transformable and serves as the arms, legs, body, and armaments of the Age-3 normal making it capable of autonomous flight, and the Core Fighter which serves as the boosters, cockpit, and head. The Age-3 also has newer weapons installed in it. These weapons include; Beam sabers in the mobile suit which were made to be wielded rather than held by hand or deployed directly from the shields of the forearm. It has also been equipped with a newer weapon referred to as the SigMaxiss Rifle, which is a large hand-held beam cannon that was developed from the Diva-Class Photon Blaster cannon. It has the capabilities to destroy Vagan suits with one shot even those that have electromagnetic armor installed as well as counter beam cannon shots that come from a Vagan MS.

Read:. References. Turn A is a piece of junk. You think having the moonlight butterfly is an advantage?

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Any nanomachine can be hacked and counterhacked. It can be used to attack it self. And worse, its engine is practically a blackhole. With UC technology, I cant bet any grunt can be sent to trigger a vaccum decay, and disintegrate that junk in an instant.

If anything that can compete with a strike freedom is V2 Assault Buster. Yeah V2 AB even got better specs compared to Strike Freedom in GGeneration Series. V2 is practically GP03D with mobility. Turn A can destroy all of them combined with Moon Light Butterfly So will Turn X with his 8x Mega Particle Cannons (pretty much like positron cannon in Seed universe). They are both technically indestructible with its nanomachine regeneration.

If Unicorn’s ability to control psycommu weapons extend into Seed universe, I don’t think Strike Freedom will win hands down (though it still may win due to shear large number of weapons available in comparison to Unicorn even with its Dragoon system converted). Double 00 QANT will probably destroy the top 3 rather easily too with its insane shield/rifle/gigantic saber Sword Bits ABC. Though it probably wouldn’t fare as well towards Unicorn if NTD can control these bits. Problem about God Gundam is that his extremely powerful attack is in melee range as far as I am aware and that seems to give him a huge disadvantage. I agree, there is nothing stronger than the God Gundam!

I mean when you look at all of it’s abilities, it far surpasses any other mobilesuit in the whole franchise. The only Gundam that could stand up to it would be the Turn A, and thats just because of the Moonlight Butterfly. G-Gundam would have already desimated it before it could be used. Sure the Quan-T can teleport, but G-Gundam could easily counter with it’s Bunshin Sappou God Shadow creating multiples of itself (essentually shadow clones) around Quan-T and then execute a Choukyuu Haou Den’eidan thus erradicating anything caught between the blasts. While using the God Gundam, Domon Kasshu never lost a fight, and is a martial arts master. The technology that controls the God Gundam alows for extream mobility, besides its eons more advanced than even psychoframes. When you evaluate every aspect of what makes a Gundam and its pilot a force to be reckoned with, nothing else in the franchise is a match for Domon Kasshu and his God Gundam.

It is also eventually evolved with DG Cells, giving it all the terrifying abilities of the Devil Gundam. It has two internal power regulators, linked together into a ∞ symbol. It has “left hand of god” and “right hand of devil” which it can combine into one devastating attack, it is kind of the original Gundam 00.

List of all gundam models names

Given this and its previous effects, The Gundam God Master is capable of INFINITE EXPONENTIAL strength, and I haven’t even brought up Hyper Mode. You forgot that GN Particles can render traditional means of communications worthless. Even the very first GN Gundam, the 0 Gundam can render a fleet of MS blind (if they rely on radar and other non-optical based field scans and communications). Even the Moonlight Butterfly is useless against the 0 Gundam coz of the GN Particles making the goo made up of nano-bots blind (in theory, they’d just float around without any directive from the Main MS). Now, with the King of All Gundams, the GNT 0000 00 QuanT, (Just my opinon, no need to be salty), the GN particle “Taste the Rainbow!!” thing is leveled up exponentially with it’s enhanced “Twin Drive System” it can splurge out a lot of particles which can be converted into energy for its weapons, or make the MS untouchable by making it essentially Goku with his “Instant Transmission”. Now, sticking with Goku, the 00 QuanT can do Trans-Am as well as any other GN-based gundams, it’s like “Kaioken” of the Gundam universe, this makes the QuanT 3x stronger than it was, making it extremely OP against any MS in creation still sticking with Goku, he can boost his powers up by making his hair blue (SSJ Blue).

InQuanT’s case, this is the Quantum Burst Mode, with this mode, it is safe to say that no other gundam in existence can last a minute in a duel with the 00 QuanT plus (if the pilot is Setsuna) the QuanT can mindf.k any living creature’s brains with “innovator” powers. (Theoretically) and do not forget the QuanT merged with the ELS it has gained powers we could only imagine, coz we did not see it in action.insert sad face. so i guess ELS – QuanT is the equivalent of Goku’s Ultra Instinct now, Iron Blooded Orphans has Mobile Suits that are invincible to beam attacks, Barbatos could stand its ground against the QuanT, but don’t forget, QuanT has swords. Lots of them, plus QuanT is like Goku, it has instant transmission, and an OP particle production rate that is equal to none so i guess it’s safe to say that not a single IBO MS could ever stand up to the QuanT after a few minutes of arguing with the voice in my head, i’ve come to the conclusion that under the right circumstances, that which is utterly impossible or has a very minimal chance of ever occurring only two(2) Gundams could ever defeat the Quanta. The GN 004 Nadleeh and the GN 009 Seraphim. These two are the only gundams that have GN Drives that are powerful enough to enact the “Trial System” over a really wide area. If the QuanT is ever caught in that field, it’s as good as dead!

—————————————————————–. don’t be salty this deduction is from a person not to keen on mecha anime in general, i just started watching mecha anime.

Watched Char’s counter attack, 00, IBO, Turn A, AGE, Waltz, Thunderbolt, Wing, and the OG Series. After all those weekends binge-watching, i can now give the Title of “King of All Gundams” to the one and only GNT 0000 00 QuanT until Sunrise / Bandai makes an even OP one. I forgot to add that GN Drives are semi-perpetual machines that are able to produce unlimited particles (as long as it does not go boom!!) so yea. GNT 0000 00 QuanT is the King of All Gundams.

God Gundam can cry in a corner. if they made a machine able to operate forever without the need for any fuel input or human intervention then why do they call it “semi – perpetual”? That because if Real GN Drives were ever to go boom then the never-ending loop is over. I do wonder how big of a boom would an explosion caused by an over-revved “REAL” GN Drive would make?

ELS 00 Quanta is first and 00 Quanta takes second place Turn A would be in the 3rd spot. The God Gundam can cry in a corner reason: GN Particles render all electricity dependent communications useless. The Moonlight Butterfly would be useless to ANY GN Gundams 00 QuanT is Goku of the Gundam Universe. Instant transmission.

And it has a Power Supply that is never ending. It can go Kaioken (Trans-Am) plus it has the Quantum Burst Mode making it GOD amongst every single gundam in creation. Plus it can MindF. every single living being if it wants to (if the pilot is an innovator) There are two gundams that can defeat the QuanT in theory — Seraphim and Nadleeh (Trial System) if the Quanta is caught in that field. It is as good as dead!

Allow me to fix this list. I have watched pretty much watched all the Gundam series. Except for Gayge and G-Self. (Both are trash anime, just like Mobile Fighter G Gundam, and are not even supposed appear on this list as those anime are a blemish and don’t exist.) First of all, no, the Barbatos does not belong on this list, infact, NONE of the IBO Gundams belong here. Their Nano-laminate armor is one thing, but their solid weapons such as Barbatos’ hammer or Gusion’s scissors and guns won’t even harm the RX-78-1-FA Full Armor Gundam.

So now, let me get to the Turn A Gundam. When it destroyed all technology save for the moon and pretty much erased mankind on Earth, the Moonlight Butterfly was activated at the height of human technology. Basically, if it were at all possible to hack the Turn A’s Moonlight Butterfly, it would’ve been done.

Let us not forget it’s ability to teleport mobile-suit beams into the cockpits of enemy pilots, while also not forgetting that it’s blackhole cannot be destabilized. Considering if it were possible back during the Great War, it would’ve been done. It was not, which means it is not possible. Now, all technology when the Moonlight Butterfly is activated is useless and gets destroyed. Which means, by the time it is activated, it is already too late. So there’ll be no time to try and bring in countermeasures.

On to the issue of it’s weaponry, the Beam Rifle at 10% Output pretty much destroyed the Earth. (It’s still there, but it decimated the surface.) That gun is stupidly over-powered. The only Mobile-suit capable Beam Weapon that came close was the GNT-0000-00 00QanT, when it attempted to cut the surface of the ELS mothership.

(Which was the same size as the moon mind you, 3000km in diameter. This means he is capable of cutting the goddamn Moon in two.) It’s Beamsabers are also a fun bit, they cannot be stopped, they WILL cut anything, and are the most powerful beamsabers in Mobile Suit Gundam History. Yes, it is also 100% immune to it’s own Moonlight Butterfly, both it and the Turn X cannot destroy eachother, which is why in the last episode of the anime, they were encased in a Cocoon for all eternity, never to be used again. So no, the Turn A is not trash, no you cannot hack it and no, you cannot destabilize it’s Black Hole, if it were at all possible during the Height of Human Technology in the Great War, it would’ve been done. Now then, on to Strike Freedom. This thing I would place at place 8, with Hi Nu in place 5. The reason for this is simply, the Hi-Nu is more powerful.

The armor is stronger, while it’s not phase-shift, it’s stronger. Hi-Nu also can use it’s funnels to create a large prism around it like the Nu did in the movie, as well as also being capable of firing some pretty powerful Beam shots. The Strike Freedom can only use it’s Dragoons for shooting shit, not defending anything. Not to mention their out-put is about the same as the individual beam rifles that it already carries.

While the Nu and Hi-Nu’s funnels have a higher output than the their beam-rifles, rivaling that of anti-ship weaponry. The Strike Freedom has a finite amount of power, the Hi-Nu just puts out more power, and is more versatile too. Not to mention you cannot hack the funnels in UC unless you’re the Unicorn, because you need to override the Psychomu profile on the Funnels.

You CAN hack the Super-Dragoons though. Because they are not controlled by a thought field around the Gundam, but rather a radio communication link.

Now that I have dubunked the Strike Freedom the and the bogus Theory that the Turn A is useless. I’ll be leaving my comment. I like how ppl think that gundams from IBO is stronger than much of the gundam despite of their technology I doubt that even an advanced zaku with heat axe can beat most of the gundam frame in IBO also don’t try to start talk about nano something armor why cuz beam can be created differently meaning there’s a chance that the beam used in IBO is using much weaker density of heat compare to the other series I mean c’mon their strongest weapon is a giant harpoon do you really think that their tech can compare to the tech of other series?? There’s no edit or more specifically i don’t know where to find it 🙁.

Well first of all, a advanced zaku cannot beat any of the gundam frames from IBO, not matter wat, a normal trained soldier cannot beat gundam pilots in IBO, as for the mobility of machines, even juliet’s costume graze can beat any of the zaku exsist( despite psycho zaku that shit is a freak). IBO gundams really doesnt belong to the this list, but that is mainly due to creator doesnt want to make an over powered machine that can kill an army with one swing of hand, they just want to keep IBO gundams at a slightly above average rate. Also IBO beam weapons does not consist of a weaker density of heat compare to other series, during the fight with hashmal, you can clearly see hashmal destroyed a whole town on mars by only firing once while a simple shiden remained no fatal damage to the beam. From this you can tell that the beam weapons from the calamity war in IBO is at least 10 times stronger than an average gundam beam blaster. Gundam weapons in IBO are also meant to be straight up metal since no one actually use beam to fight anymore.

Without beam weapons, the strongest weapons in IBO will be the GALAXY CANNON from flauros which can literally take down a single armored assault ship within long range. If you still think IBO gundams are weak, think again.

I think people have to realize that you cant really compare IBO to the rest of the timelines. The physics/tech are too significantly different. While you can argue all you want about beam weps and stuff, the barbatos/other nanolaminate equipped mobile suits of the series wont take any damage from them. Maybe be pushed around but not damaged.

And you say their weapons are weaker? Lets recap on IBO.

The thought behind IBO was that at one point yes beam tech did exist as Mobile Armor Hashmal proved. However, the nanolaminate armor has rendered that ineffective so they once again moved back to projectile weps to use physical brute force to break through. So all those spicy beam weapons wont do jack shit. However, their projectile weps arent guaranteed to do much to gundams of other timelines. However, those gundams of other timelines are more focused on beam weps and are armored for that, so in a full fight where one side is beamproof but has no physical weapons, and the other side has beam weapons and is beam resistant but not necessarily physical attack resistant, who is there to say one side is greater than the other. Since the other timelines outside of IBO are based around similar physics/comparable techs and logics, they can ideally be compared, but when it runs headlong into a brick wall such as IBO which has logic and physics flipped ass backwards compared to other timelines, you cannot compare them. If you wanted to make a list of the coolest gundams sure definitely include IBO in the list, but you cannot logically cross the timelines with IBO without just having the gundams from the 2 opposite (so to speak) timelines waste time and amunition with each other and not really do anything to each other.

I cant speak for many other series gundam rankings but i can say that you cannot compete IBO and other timeline gundams and expect to have a definitive winner, regardless of whatever gundam you choose from another timeline vs say Barbatos since he is the generally accepted definitive Post Disaster timeline Gundam. The physics arent compatible enough to judge which is most powerful. Because by most powerful you need to determine whether you are talking about best gundam all around, most durable and still does good damage, purely damage output based, etc. I’m not saying anyone is wrong about thinking that IBO gundams are better or worse or anything. You just need to consider the actual physics of the timelines and see how they would clash and in IBO vs insert another timeline case how they wouldn’t give an outcome.

List Of All Mg Gundam Models

And lets not drag them into physics. We have to allowe the gundams to be compared based in their home physics. Sure IBO physics might be somewhat more realistic than other gundam series, but thats not the point. The point is, given the physics they were originally in, if they were to fight a gundam from another timeline, how would they compare, and in all cases except IBO, there would be a result that is either close or not close. In my eyes, IBO is the only timeline that has a truly different physics set than the traditional gundam physics set.

And tbh, id like to see more Post Disaster timeline series. A best of all gundam to pick wont work since every gundam is specialized for a certain task and there isnt really a gundam that is better than all the rest in all aspects so every main gundam can take down another main gundam in the right situation and setting so even the barbatos who you guys pray so much could be easily taken down even without it noticing it by a dynames or other long range main gundam like that also an important thing to notice is that only main character have gundams on such a high level that it could challenge another main gundam.

I guess the most powerful gundams are the main character gundams but who is on top of the list and on the bottom is really up to you guys and my pick would probably be strike freedom because i prefer the crazy heavy firepower over any heavy close combat gundam and i would claim that the crazy overpowered firepower of strike freedom would even allow it to maybe challenge multiple main gundams but again gundams are only good for their tasks so strike freedom would completely wipe out barbatos in ranged combat but be the butter to barbatos flaming butterknife in close combat. Seriously, if we compare MAGNITUDE of POWER OUTPUT Double X should be atleast at top 3 IF WE BASE ON SERIES and not on SPECULATED data based on equipped arsenal. Unicorn should be removed since output is seriously lacking while Gundams with high capacity such as Turn A, Turn X, Wing Zero and Double X should be put higher. It is really hard to do more research if we base on equipped arsenal and not the actual battles that they’ve won. But for sheer power definitely Gundam X series, Wing Zero then Turn X and the list is pretty much on par for the rest.

(Seriously Strike Freedom should be on par with most Gundams that MC’s use) and This is not to mention the monsterous power of villain gundams in G series. This is funny.

A List Of All Gundam Anime Series

Take unicorn type a type x and Quan t, and on their own, each can own any Ibo Gundam. Regardless of beam weapons being neutralized for the most part. And as far as Quan t fappers, the semi perpetual gn drive particle generation, there is a limited capacity to its generation, thus the reason for the gn condensers. Also, it is more then possible to use the gn particles faster then they are, you can take your infinite gn particle arguments and suck on em.

Only a finite amount available at any one time. Gn condensers have a limit to their capacity to hold and your drives only produce a set amount, even in combined mode, at any given second. Besides, keeping the drives engaged together for too long becomes too dangerous. So your arguments are laughable. I’ve had my say. Have fun folks.

I love how people say the turn a and turn x are pieces of junk yet when you have watched the anime and read the manga and read up on them from other official cannon sources, they are basically the old penultimate gundams as written by the creators. The turn has the melee weapons and defensive capabilities to go toe to toe with and defeat any Ibo Gundam, and the turn x not only has the same, but they also possess things that are never explained in full and are left open to speculation like the limit of their I field barriers vs physical attacks, the extent of their beam rifles power at full capacity, and the true full effect of a full powered, moon butterfly attack from one or the other, least to say both at the same time. So Ibo fanboys, and Quan t lovers, do some research and look at logic before falling to your favorite opinion and protesting facts.

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