Tv Series 1950 1960

  1. Tv Series 1950 1960 S
  2. Westerns Tv Series 1950s 1960s
  3. Superman Tv Series 1950 S Cast

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In my last, I highlighted the top science fiction articles of the 1960's. Here I will be going over some of the best television Westerns that were playing on the screen back in the day, during the fifties and sixties, over 50 years ago. A few that I will mention actually ran into the seventies. Many of the shows like The Lone Ranger have become cult classics. A few of the notable Westerns that did not make the cut include Maverick (1957-62) which starred James Garner, Wanted Dead or Alive (1958-61) which starred the amazing Steve McQueen, The Rebel (1959-61) with Nick Adams, and Broken Arrow (1956-58) starring Michael Ansara.


Unlike the sci-fi series article, there is no order to this list. All the shows that follow are here considered equal, but at the end of the article, you can vote which is your favorite. Your vote will be kept and recorded in the poll.

The longest running TV Western ever, Gunsmoke originally aired for a twenty-year period from 1955 to 1975. The show inspired a series of novels and gave us the expression, 'Get the hell out of Dodge.'

It starred James Arness as Marshall Matt Dillon, a man of the law who upheld the law and was not afraid to defend himself whenever some crook got cocky and reached for a gun. Prior to appearance on the television screen, the Gunsmoke saga was a radio show which featured William Conrad as the voice of Marshall Dillon. (Conrad went on to star as the title character in the TV series Cannon 1971-76.). The Lone Ranger is a true legend. Like Gunsmoke, it started out as a radio show which was aired as early as 1933, a year during the Great Depression and the very same year that President Franklin D. Roosevelt began his 'fireside chats' which were also broadcast to the United States via radio.

In The Lone Ranger TV version, Clayton Moore starred as the Lone Ranger from 1949 to 1951 and then again from 1954 to 1957. In Moore's absence, John Hart portrayed the title character for 52 episodes. Jay Silverheels, a true Native American Mohawk, played the Lone Ranger's 'Injun' sidekick Tonto. From 1959 to 1973, another one of the longest-ever running westerns, Bonanza, was aired. This series was the chronicles of the Cartwrights who worked and lived on their property the Ponderosa. An old west family of goodwill, the Cartwrights spent their days working the land, enforcing justice, and helping out other folks who needed help.

Plus, Hoss Cartwright often poured money into businesses, inventions, etc. Which usually fell through or failed. The main cast included several notable actors including Lorne Greene ( Battlestar Galactica) and Michael Landon ( Little House on the Prairie). Guy Williams ( Zorro) even guest starred in a few episodes of Bonanza.

Another high-ranking Cowboy Western series of great worth is Rawhide (1959-1965). Its main theme is cattle driving; that is the prime basis for the show. It has since become a large part of pop culture and is referenced in films such as The Blues Brothers (1980) and City Slickers (1991). One of the best supporting actors of the series was Clint Eastwood in his role of young Rowdy Yates. Eastwood has become a well-known Western film star noted for his movies like The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966). He is also a director and producer.

Based on Owen Wister's novel of the same title which was originally published in 1902, The Virginian was another long-running television Western. It was first aired from 1962 to 1971. The show's cast evolved and changed over the years and starred Doug McClure and James Drury.

It was also the first acting gig in which Harrison Ford was billed in the credits as 'Harrison Ford.' He played Cullen Tindall in the episode 'The Modoc Kid' and a rancher in 'A Bad Place to Die.' Ford went on to star in film series such as Star Wars and Indiana Jones. The Wild, Wild West ran from 1965 to 1969 and starred Robert Conrad (who went on to star in the Baa Baa Black Sheep show) and Ross Martin. It combined the concepts of rugged Western existence and expansion as well as espionage.

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West (Conrad) and Artemus Gordon (Martin) were members of the U.S. Secret service under Ulysses S. Grant's presidency. Somewhat similar to the sixties espionage character Maxwell Smart of the comedy series Get Smart, James West constantly had stuff stored in secret compartments in his shoes such as plastic explosives, knife blades, and parts of a derringer. Like a few of the other Westerns mentioned here, it prompted a feature film based on its characters. Have Gun - Will Travel ran from 1957 to 1963, starring Richard Boone as the main character Paladin, a wealthy man who made his living hiring out his gun which he usually had to use. Paladin seemed to be the perfect man: a man of morals, of science, of culture and class, of literature and the arts, and of a knowledge of languages including Chinese, Spanish, Greek, and Latin.

He also made out pretty well with the ladies in nearly every episode. Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the Star Trek franchise, wrote 24 episodes of Have Gun - Will Travel. Richard Boone went on to portray J.B. Books' enemy in John Wayne's final film performance, The Shootist (1976). For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details Necessary HubPages Device ID This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons. Login This is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.

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